Spectacles anyone
At my age you would have thought that I could read. Properly. And seeing as how I work with numbers and spreadsheets you would have thought that I could put numbers in a spreadsheet and press a button. To get the right answer. WRONG.
Today I purchased a pack of yoghurt covered sultana's thinking that it would make a nice snack. I was not sure of the points but I thought that it would not be too high. When I got to work I entered the kj's and the saturated fat numbers into the spreadsheet and it returned the wonderful pt value of 2.1. For the whole pack. Yippppeeeee. So I ate them. All. In one sitting. Then I felt sick. And full. And bloated. Then I started thinking that that didn't feel right. For something so low in points to make me feel that full wasn't right. So I got the packet out of the bin. And entered the figures into the spreadsheet again. Just in case. It returned a point value of 21. 21. Not 2.1. 21. Oh heck.
Having just finished my very light dinner my official points for the day are 39. You know if I was going to have such a high day it would have been nice if one or two of those points were alcohol. Which I could sorely use right now ;)
Today I purchased a pack of yoghurt covered sultana's thinking that it would make a nice snack. I was not sure of the points but I thought that it would not be too high. When I got to work I entered the kj's and the saturated fat numbers into the spreadsheet and it returned the wonderful pt value of 2.1. For the whole pack. Yippppeeeee. So I ate them. All. In one sitting. Then I felt sick. And full. And bloated. Then I started thinking that that didn't feel right. For something so low in points to make me feel that full wasn't right. So I got the packet out of the bin. And entered the figures into the spreadsheet again. Just in case. It returned a point value of 21. 21. Not 2.1. 21. Oh heck.
Having just finished my very light dinner my official points for the day are 39. You know if I was going to have such a high day it would have been nice if one or two of those points were alcohol. Which I could sorely use right now ;)
Or chocolate, or butter on bread, or cheese w quince paste, or cake, or honey crumpets, or real french custard - really anything other than bloody sultanas - ripped off!
Just catching up on your week and cannot believe the wedding fiasco - I would have hit the roof! Generous ppl are far too often made to kick themselves, did you end up saying anything??
The wather down that way was absolutely beautiful, we spent it on the water; the boy feeding the fish and I lying on life jackets reading a book - ahhh...
Thanks for your check-in comment - lovely of you to take the time ;o)
Posted by
CaramelKitKat |
October 13, 2005 8:44 pm
Oh no! youare so conscientious, what a pain in the a#$& when you work so hard!
Never mind, in the grand scheme of things this won't mean much (but 100% with you on the alcohol LOL)
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 13, 2005 9:03 pm
ah shite margaret...that was not fair!
Im sorry for this silly thing, but LBTEPA is right!
I would have had that extra point in alcohol though ;)
Posted by
Argy |
October 13, 2005 9:11 pm
Hi Margaret
Bugger, bugger, bugger about the sultanas.
However, something I've come to really admire about you is that you always face the music, no matter what. So well done for counting them in when it would have been very easy to just say, "oh I made a mistake and won't count them". Honesty brings us closer to success.
On a lighter note, maybe they won't stick around very long - you'd probably know, being a mum, that dried fruit actually can work as a laxative, LOL!
And guess what?! I finally have my modem! I'll be posting something tomorrow, so stay tuned.
Looking forward to catching up with you again soon.
xo Philippa
Posted by
philippa_moore |
October 13, 2005 10:10 pm
Ow. Sultanas bloat me and make me feel funny. A workmate of mine and I used to religioudly eat those little boxes of Sunbeam sultanas but then we both started to feel poorly. I looked at my diet, discovered it was all the damn sultanas fault and haven't touched a sultana since. I dread to think what the yoghurt covered ones do!
Posted by
Sarah |
October 13, 2005 10:52 pm
Peanuts...after I read your post I thought I should check the back of the packet of peanuts that were fastly going down my throat - no more peanuts for me!
Thanks for your comments M, made me smile and cry - but thats OKAY!
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 13, 2005 11:21 pm
What a shit. How good is it though that you are so in tune with your body these days, that you could attribute how you were feeling to the sultanas in teh first place? I think that's fabulous.
Posted by
jak |
October 14, 2005 1:19 am
21 points for those little things! I try to stay away from processed foods as snacks for this reason. At least you won't forget for next time LOL :-)
Posted by
Mary |
October 14, 2005 4:10 am
Can imagine your frustration but sorry - but it made me laugh:) They say we learn something everyday and you have!
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 14, 2005 5:09 am
OMG, how awful! That many points should not be allowed in one bag!!!!!
Posted by
Suzy |
October 14, 2005 5:23 am
OMG! That's crazyness!!
Posted by
Kate |
October 14, 2005 5:30 am
LOL M, I did something similar recently, the bbq chicken sizzler sausages are 1pt. the packaging is very similar to the smokey cheese flavour which are 3 pts, I cooked and ate 4, thinking they tasted a bit odd...then later when i looked in the fridge saw they were smokey cheese, I had just consumed 12 pts not 4! doh!
Posted by
Kt |
October 14, 2005 6:03 am
Hi M, I know the feeling, so I have had a scone for breakfast, WW scones say 2pts, mine is a little bigger, and savoury so I count 6 points, I have to tell you it took me 48 minutes to eat because I was eating it at my desk slowly, and now I feel bloated and full, maybe the scone was like 21 points....
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 14, 2005 7:05 am
What a bummer. I agree - there are much better things to overindulge in.
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 14, 2005 7:22 am
BUGGAR!!!!!! Sorry mate, but that just sucks the big youghurt-covered ass!
However! There is good news. 39 points is not the end of the world, just means you will have to be on super-good behaviour for a few days to compensate. You're such a sensible chickie-babe that I know you'll have no troubles.
Have to agree with CKK though - if I was going to slap 21 points away, I'd rather it was on a big fat greasy burger or a massive chunk of chocolate mud cake!!!!
Posted by
Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator |
October 14, 2005 7:44 am
oops not funny really but I am sure it won't count because it was a genuine mistake. Felicity at work
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 14, 2005 7:44 am
What a difference a decimal point makes...bet that's a mistake you won't be doing again:)
Posted by
Leighanne |
October 14, 2005 8:19 am
I agree with Slim Suzy - that many points should definately not be allowed in one snack sized bag!!! XX
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 14, 2005 9:11 am
Posted by
Sue |
October 14, 2005 10:45 am
they are dried grapes in yoghurt how can they possibly have so many points? talk about ruining perfectly decent food!
one day youll laugh at this moment :)
Posted by
Cat |
October 14, 2005 9:07 pm
Ouch! How rude of them :(
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 15, 2005 7:49 am