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*warning - long post. Actually when do I not have a long post. LOL*

I read a lot of blogs. I read them because I want to and because I get something out of each and every one. Sometimes it is a recipe, a piece of advice I can use in my day, a head nodding moment of agreement, a laugh, or just a feeling that as people are going through their days they are facing the same struggles, and having the same little wins that I do, and this gives me inspiration. And then there are the days that I read a blog and I have a "Kaching" moment. This happened during the week when I read Jonny's blog. Even though I am an anal retentive statistician by nature I also have a very creative visual side that just sprang to attention when I saw his fabulous morphing photo montage. Not only the fact that he looks bloody amazing but the fact that there was this record of where he started, his progress shots, and his current physique just made me sit up and take notice. I want something like that.

I have to admit that the last couple of weeks have been the lowest in terms of motivation for me. I know that I have eaten OK, and I have exercised moderately but nothing like the drive I had at the beginning. People sometimes say "oh I have to get the motivation back that I had at the start". Well I can't get that particular motivation back because there are 19 less kgs to motivate me. I have to find a new motivation. And thanks to Jonny I have. When my new bathers arrive (hopefully on Monday) I will be taking front and side profile shots to create a snapshot of where I am physically. I am going to be doing this every week until I reach my goal. And when I beg Jonny really nicely to help me, I am going to have a morphing photo montage of my own. I can already feel that this has helped as my gym bag is already packed for the week and I am excited about going tomorrow.

During these last two weeks I have also been indulging in what I like to call 'sneak' eating. This is when I eat and no-one else sees so then it doesn't count. And because in the first couple of weeks the scales must have looked the other way this little habit of mine has grown. However the scales have had the blinkers taken off and tomorrow they will be giving me a right slap around the head. Serves me right. I know that I can eat all of the food that I have been sneaking. Just not in the quantities that I have been having them in. I have now made a vow that I can continue eating them, but I must always do so in the company of other people - that I know or know me. There is no point including the people on the bus as they are not likely to lean over and advise me that it is not in my best interest to shovel all that food in my mouth. No. And this brings me to another funny thing. I bought a chocolate bar on a walk to Central. Then I couldn't eat it. I was so afraid that it would be the moment I put a piece in my mouth that someone would walk past me from blogland and say "Are you M?" And I would smile and say yes and have my teeth covered in chocolate. Yuck. It put the wind up me enough that I waited till I got in the car before I had any. Then I felt like a fraud. I didn't finish it and in fact as I was reading blogs on Friday or Saturday night I got up and chucked the rest in the bin.

Part of my sneak eating I know has to do with the walk on Sunday. The fact that I will be meeting people from here has got me so nervous that I have slipped back into old defensive actions. Some people think that because I can talk that I am not a shy person. But I am to a degree. I have an irrational fear that when I meet new people they will be disgusted to the point of making no pretense of manners and just walking away. This used to happen to me at one of my schools and those sorts of scars don't heal quickly. I know now that these people were jerks and did this to everyone. I wasn't special in their victimisation. But when you are a teenage girl in a new State you don't see anything else other than your own pain. I like to think that I have grown out of this. That my adult rationality, coupled with my complete insane sense of humour, will allow me to take each situation as it presents. And I do. And I will on Sunday. As far as I can see Mary, Cath & perhaps Sarah are all insane normal people - just like me :) I mean why else would you agree to meet on a 5km walk rather than at the pub ;)

Today has been a great day. It started when loading the boys into the car for our walk at Balmoral and the ladies from across the road came out to put their green waste out for collection. They waved me over and made a real fuss over my weight loss. They jokingly said they thought a new lady had moved in. I laughed as that obviously meant DH was having an affair - with me!! Our walk (well a stroll really because I was wearing this outfit) was really cool and we finished off the disposable camera film with some silly shots. Now I can develop it and get the photos from the wedding done.

Then it was off to Chatswood Chase to get a hair cut for DS1 and some bathers for DH.

After that we came home and I actually got to have a nap in the middle of the day!! It was bliss. Both the boys went down so DH and I took the opportunity to have a sleep for a couple of hours before we all went out to meet friends at the Gourmet Pizza Kitchen in Neutral Bay for DH's birthday. Oh yeah. Happy Birthday Mate *mwah*

So now it is time to settle back for the evening. Enjoy a glass of red. Hopefully watch something interesting on TV. And just cuddle with my man on his birthday. And tomorrow I start my progam of really shaping up this body of mine. And along the way I will be getting some, and providing some, hopefully useful information from the Absolutely-Flabulous site. I encourage you all to visit, and whilst it is in it's infancy it will grow into a site well worth making regular visits to.

I would like to say a heartfelt thanks to Cath, Suzy, Sarah & Jaykay for your generous support for my walk - thanks guys. I know the JDRF appreciate it as much as I do.

You are absolutely tiny M!!

I sometimes get scared my ww leader will catch me eating or buying junkfood, or one of the girls from my ww meeting (remember Im the weigher, so they would recognise me).

Wonderful post M and that photo says it all. I agree Johnnys morphing photos are incredible. It will be great to have some of your own. About meeting the bloggers I so agree. I was so nervous each time and I have met two so far. I had all the same fears that they would not like me, we would not relate to each other, I am older and they would think I was a dag etc. BUT in both cases we really clicked. Sure we have many differences but we understood each other so well. As nice as they were in their blogs they were in person. I hav eno wmade 2 wonderful friends. That will happen with you in Sydney as well. I know you will enjoy it and it will be a case of trying to fit in all that talking. I wish I could be there. My sister and I will be thinking of you. We will donate on the day. Have a great re-motivated week. No sneak eating OK???

Love this post, as always. I'm cracking up at the smiling with chocolate all over your teeth thing, lol. And M - where exactly are you planning to lose the rest of that weight from? You look soooo tiny!! :-)

This is a great post M. Your comments about your fear when meeting new people and you relaying that this used to happen at school bought a tear to my eye. I can completely relate, as I suffered similar experiences. I am still battling to control my insecurities but knowing I am not alone makes the fight a little easier.

Thanks M.

What a fan-bloody-tabulous photo! You look great. Not just fit and trim, but happy and confident as well. I bet one of DH's favourite birthday pressies was knowing his lovely wife feels so good about herself. You da bomb!

LOL at those choc covered teeth! I would love to see them! You look fantastic in your photo!
I will be walking with you all in spirit next weekend.

M, on your profile it says you need to lose another 10kg to get to goal. I just don't know where from, cos from that photo you look so small. I know that you're tall but you look like a size 8 skinnymalinks!! You must feel fabulous! You have remotivated me today, thank you, I hope I can look half as good as you do.
Have a fabulous day and just so you know, I actually have a private investigator following you around so I can check up on what you eat, I'm watching you!! (aka Robert De Niro in Meet the Parents - pointing fingers at his eyes and then pointing at you!!). haha. Have a fabbo day gorgeous!

you look amazing, its hard to believe that you have another kg to loose, you are gonna be one hell of a MILF when you are through ;)
this is a really good post & i think takeing weekly swimmers shots is a great motivational tool!
regarding the gain this week - buggar! but you know what you have to do & you look fantastic - its all part of the journey!

Hi M, I'm really glad you found my morphing photos motivating, and of course I'll help you make up your own when you're ready.

Like everyone else has said you look fabulous in that photo.

Oh yeah, sneaking in food when no-one's looking, and not counting it, is more common than you think.

It's good that you've now seen this error and will be correcting it, as you are really only sabotaging and undermining all the great work you've been doing.

Back to basics, write down every point that enters your mouth. Good luck, "you can do it!"

OMG Margaret, you look FABULOUS! Keep the photos coming.

Have a great day
xox Philippa

Agree with all the others - you look fabulous in your photo, and your journey so far has been amazing.

You've had a lot going on lately, so a gain - while disappointing - does not spell The End for you. Fortunately you have the tools and the support network to help you get straight back on track. No more sneak eating - not even on the bus - but don't forget to cut yourself a little slack too, you deserve it :-)

M What a fantastic post, I know esactly what you mean about reading posts and taking something away. Your photo looks amazing. I like your idea of progress shots and I agree Jonny5 morphing photos are just awesome.
have a fantastic day :)

I was wondering what your heading meant all morning and just got it! Very slow morning it has been LOL.

I hear you about the motivation thing and especially when you are so close to goal, you need to find other things that motivate you. 6 months of doing the same thing does kind of get a little boring or just so routine that you don't even notice you're in autopilot. The pics thing sounds like a great idea!!

Sneak eating huh!? I know about this too but as long as you track it, you'll stop it soon enough.

And babe! I am not going to walk away from you! Sunday will be real daggy and fun. We are doing it together and we all know quite a bit about each other now. It'll be cool!! I am starting to feel less nervous about it now too and more just looking forward to it. We're all pretty open minded and tolerant people in this good old group of ours :-)

LOL at DH having an affair. Love it! And great to see the new site up and running. Will check it out!

First of all I have to say that I am loving those exercises you posted on Ab Flab. I've just done the first lot, and I have to do them in sets of 20 reps because they are totally kicking my arse! Well, arms...

Also - you look SO slim in that photo. And I do mean SO SLIM. If I didn't know you, I would take one look at you and think you were at goal already. You look HOT! :)

I understand where you're coming from about the sneak eating. But you know what? How bloody far have you come on this journey that you can a) tell us about it, and b) recognise it as a defence mechanism? THat in itself is something you should be really proud of.

If I were in Sydney and coming along on the walk, I must say I'd be incredibly nervous about meeting you all in person, too. But dude, you are one of the coolest, nicest, funniest people in blogland, and I bet everyone is excited to meet you. I would be! :)

I did it again! I forgot to say how FABULOUS you look in the photo!! See what long posts do ;-)

wow you look pretty damn fantastic woman! :D

Look at you how gorgeous you are. Look at the collar bones and your nice and slim arms - whew you look fab.
I can relate to the no one can see me eating.. I have to put my hand up to that one over the past few weeks, I even hide from my 2 year old and do it I mean really!!!!
Happy B'day to DH and keep up your motivation it really inspired me and many other I am sure!!
Wishing I was in Sydney for the walk and to meet you guys .. Must take some pics on the day!!
Take care

Wow! You look fantastic!

Nice nellys ... ;-)

Glad you posted a recent shot M, else Mary and I would never have recognised you! You look amazing!

And watch out about eating that choccy in front of me - I'll probably steal it and eat it myself!

See you sunday too!!

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About me

  • I'm Margaret
  • From Sydney, Australia
  • Hi. I am Margaret. Or M. I talk a lot, get distracted even more, but am putting things in place to focus on my goals. But those have been put on hold whilst I focus on crochet. Lovely crochet. :) (see - distracted!)
My profile

Letters of our Lives

    A B C D E F G H K L M N O P R T W


  • Height: 175cms/5'9"
  • SW: 83.4kgs
  • CW: 80.9kgs
  • GW: 68.0kgs
  • Total Lost: 2.7kgs
  • Started: 9th October 2006

Monthly Progress

  • Oct 06: -2.7 kg
  • Nov 06:
  • Dec 06:
  • Jan 07:
  • Feb 07:
  • Mar 07:
  • Apr 07:

Sydney Weather

    The WeatherPixie


  • Hmmmm what can I use this space for??