Piggy Props
My DS1 who is almost 4 has a beanie baby type pig who has been his shadow since he was about 4 months old. This pig, who started off nice and pink but is now a mottled greyish colour, has spent every night with my son and most days too. For the last year, since he has become a big boy, Piggy stays at home during the day and is very rarely called upon on weekends, but is still a big part of his evening. We have had many nights where we have had to turn the house upside down to find piggy just so DS1 could get to sleep. So imagine my horror on Friday night when the request went out to find Piggy that I realised that Piggy was at kindy, in the locker, as had gone 'visiting' that day. I took a deep breath and explained the situation expecting, at best, a complete meltdown. I was happily surprised. Yes DS1 was very sad that Piggy was not there but calmly told me that she was looking after kindy and he would see her on Monday. He has managed to sleep each night this weekend without his Piggy by have a fill-in take her place. I am very proud of him.
This got me thinking though about the things I carry around with me daily in my life. There are props that I use to disguise hurt, shyness, embarrassment. Some of these are traits, some of these are physical. And some of these are GONE!! Shapeless clothes have been a prop for me for many years. As I was 'developing' I used them to avoid unwanted attention, when I got larger I used them to disguise the size I was (who was I kidding by the way!). Now I have replaced this prop with more fitted, stylish, comfortable clothes that make me feel good and young and happy. I have a few more props that I need to work through but DS1 has shown me this weekend that just because a prop has been a lifetime habit - it doesn't need to stay one.
This got me thinking though about the things I carry around with me daily in my life. There are props that I use to disguise hurt, shyness, embarrassment. Some of these are traits, some of these are physical. And some of these are GONE!! Shapeless clothes have been a prop for me for many years. As I was 'developing' I used them to avoid unwanted attention, when I got larger I used them to disguise the size I was (who was I kidding by the way!). Now I have replaced this prop with more fitted, stylish, comfortable clothes that make me feel good and young and happy. I have a few more props that I need to work through but DS1 has shown me this weekend that just because a prop has been a lifetime habit - it doesn't need to stay one.
My DS (who is 23) still has his very mangled big bird in his room. I think it is a gorgeous trait - we are bringing up well balanced men. Hopefully piggy will be around for many years to come.
We all have props - please dont me think deeply what mine are!
Have a good week, love your posts.
Posted by
Julie's Journey |
October 30, 2005 8:35 pm
That is so cute, i had bugs bunny when i was a kid,
i love the attitude you have about the props, and i know that a lot of us have used the big clothes before i know i have.
have a good week
Posted by
Baby Bump Wanted |
October 30, 2005 8:38 pm
Ha ha, those fitted, stylish props are just props of another kind really. Isn't it amazing how much better you feel wearing a really lovely outfit?
I know which kind of clothing prop I'd much prefer :)
Posted by
Kathryn |
October 30, 2005 9:11 pm
Wow - kids can teach us some amazing things sometimes, can't they? My 12 year old cousin still sleeps with a small sqaure of his "satin" under his pillow at night. Don't know why I thought you needed to know that, but I always thought it was cute.
Good on you for realising about 'props'. On reflection, my prop was going ridiculously out of my way to help other people so that they would think, "Oh, isn't Kellee a wonderful person?" instead of "Kellee's so overweight". Or maybe it was that I constantly poked fun at myself so that others didn't have to. (I still do that, but not about my weight so much anymore.) Thanks for your post. It has really made me reflect on a few things.
I think you should burn those props. After all, you're never going to wear them again, are you? :)
Posted by
Kellee |
October 30, 2005 9:15 pm
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Posted by
Kellee |
October 30, 2005 9:15 pm
Great post as always M - I think we all, either consciously or unconsciously, carry around some kind of prop, a defence or armour around with us when we're overweight and not happy with ourselves. It feels so great to let go off that baggage and discover what great people we really are, if we only would let ourselves be.
What a grown up boy your DS1 is. You must feel so proud.
Hope you've had a lovely weekend xo
Posted by
philippa_moore |
October 30, 2005 9:25 pm
I think I like my baggage - i know it's not good - but maybe it is because have not known myself without it...i think i should try.
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 30, 2005 11:10 pm
Great post! I never related the childhood comfort to us as adults!You wee man coped so well with Piggy being left behind!
Our grandson has Wayne who goes everywhere but isn't allowed to go to school. I was entrusted to look after him the other day but was told not to take Wayne to the pool when I went to aqua.
Posted by
Anonymous |
October 31, 2005 5:46 am
Most kids do just move on from their transitional objects, don't they? Sometimes I think it's harder for us to see them letting them go - makes us realise they won't be little for ever. I'm really feeling this at them moment, because my 'baby' turns 17 this week.
Posted by
Sue |
October 31, 2005 6:41 am
Dear little DS1 is very brave to sleep without Piggy.
You have really given us something to think about now. I didn't think I had any "security blankets" left, but maybe I do?!
Posted by
Suzy |
October 31, 2005 7:39 am
Aww, how gorgeous. You sound like a great mum! You make some good points to think about too, thanks.
Posted by
Mary |
October 31, 2005 11:13 am
My eldest has 'ted'and youngest has 'ellee' a beanie elephant we have had many of the same experiences finding him - Luke used to sit next to the washing machine for the whole cycle while ellee was having a 'bath'
They still sleep with their friends - but not attached like they used to be!
Jason didn't want to take his ted to camp - but he took a photo of him instead:)
Posted by
Leighanne |
October 31, 2005 1:28 pm
Yay for another loss you little Miss Naughty you....LOL!!
My daughter has her "Cashew", a Ty Beanie Bear. We've had to replace Cashew a couple of times because we've lost him whilst we've been out, and even now we have an almighty tantrum if we can't find Cashew at bedtime.
Hope you pick a winner tomorrow!
Posted by
Jaykay |
October 31, 2005 9:01 pm