Beautiful Day
It always seems to be the day that you plan on not doing any exercise that you end up doing more than you ever imagined. Picture this. Idealic day, sunny, not too hot. I have the day off work. I go into the city with Mum and 2 lovely boys in tow. We go in by train, we ride the Monorail (around and around and around the city). We get off at Darling Harbour. We walk. We play in the park. We have McDonalds (not me - I brought a salad). And then it is time to go home. Then my 3 year old refuses to take another step. I carry him. He is too heavy. He goes in the pram and I carry my 9mth. He throws up on my shoulder. On my white top. He had pumpkin. We get to Town Hall station and the lift to my platform is not working. There is no escalator. Only stairs. Which we can't go down as we have a sleeping 3yr old in pram. We have to walk to the next Station. The next station is great and we get to our home station. I leave Mum and the boys at the station and run home to get the car. We get home. I collapse. Son is now awake and wants to play as he has had a beautiful rest. I just love it. Oh yeh. We moved floors at work on the weekend and between floor 22 and floor 6 they threw out all of my stuff I had in the fridge. So now I have to go and buy more ww dressings and jams. Great - now I get to do extra steps. I am going to have a wonderful day.
A quick addition to my post. I re-read this and it comes across a bit negative. It's not. Just a funny "one of those days". I really am going to have a wonderful day today (LOL).
A quick addition to my post. I re-read this and it comes across a bit negative. It's not. Just a funny "one of those days". I really am going to have a wonderful day today (LOL).
Oh No! What a day! Perhaps we won't try for a 2nd bub after all LOL. You did very well not consoling yourself with comfort-food-of-choice though - I went STRAIGHT for the red wine after dealing with DD barfing her entire day's food into the cot. If it happens again (please God, not 2 days in a row) I will try to think of you and have a glass of water instead. You are going really well!
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 10, 2005 10:01 am
OMG I was reading this and thinking "This is my life" I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old and I suppose it gets easier as they get older but they understand more and can object more too he he he.
I think you did enough exercise for the day he he he
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 10, 2005 10:15 am
Now I've got that song by U2 in my head :-) I reckon you've got a wicked sense of humour and "one of those days" just has to make you laugh out loud. You certainly did enough exercise for the weekend!
Annoying about the work thing though. That's one thing I don't miss about the office environment, the disrespect for people's belongings but you put a nice spin on it..haha, extra steps! You are doing so well.
Posted by
Mary |
May 10, 2005 10:56 am
What a day!! It wasn't negative at all! Good to be able to air how it went. One day you will look back and laugh! Hope you do have a wonderful day.
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 10, 2005 11:40 am
Lol! Kids eh? Gotta love them :-) Good on you for taking the salad - you are doing so well!
Posted by
Kate |
May 10, 2005 12:16 pm
So glad to hear that other people have those sorts of days - some times I wonder if it is just me / our family !!
Glad you made the good food choices by taking a salad with you.
Take care and go safely !
Posted by
Me |
May 10, 2005 1:54 pm
Ah yes, one of "those" days. I just nod in agreement. Know where you're coming from.
By the way I talked about the detox early last week some time. It's in this month's Madison magazine if you're interested. Says that 5kg weight loss is obtainable!
Posted by
Jaykay |
May 10, 2005 3:11 pm
Sweet post, you had me smiling all teh way...I so want to be a mom and get bonus steps too!!!
Posted by
Argy |
May 10, 2005 5:12 pm
Mary told me to pop on over and see your post.. I'm glad i did.. it cheered me up! I can just hear you telling that story in person.. what a corker! :)
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 11, 2005 6:52 am
there are days like that... i must say it had me cracking up though. because i'd been complaining that day. and i did not get that bad a day in the end!
at least, you got a good workout right? ;op (p.s. i love comments, in any length. makes me feel less lonely! :oD)
Posted by
InsaneMind |
May 11, 2005 5:55 pm