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Different Channels

It is funny how in life you can be stuck in a rut without even knowing it, until someone comes along to tip you unceremoniously out of it. And thereby shake up your world. Take television for example. Over the course of months, even years, Wednesday night has become a favourite of mine to veg out in front of the TV. As long as it is on Channel Ten. Mindless mirth and merriment courtesy of Thank God You're Here, followed by dry wit and self congratulations mixed with a teensy bit of humility courtesy of House and finished off by a frenzy of activity and forensic fantasy delivered by NCIS (Abbey is a particular favourite of mine). BUT put a visitor in my house who has an equal love affair of Wednesday night viewing on a different channel and chaos reigns supreme.

Which way do I go. Do I forfeit my shows and keep Mum company whilst she watches hers, or do I retreat to an unheated section of the house with a teeny tv but access to the p.c. so I can blog whilst watching? Yep, I chose the latter.

Like exercising for me, like eating healthily for me, sometimes, even though it is more polite to change my plans, or easier to do so to keep the peace, it can be better to just do what I need to do.

So I did. And every commercial I go out to say hello to her even though she is snoring quietly in her chair :D

Trackback - 10th May
Points: 21.5
SP: 2
Exercise: 1 hr (hard)

Trackback - 9th May
Points: 20 (Pumpkin & Spinach curry - yummmmm)
SP: 8.5
Exercise: 1.5 hrs (hard - including over 300 stairs)

Trackback - 8th May
Points: 20.5 (including sensational Chicken & Mushroom Risotto)
SP: 1
Exercise: 3 hrs gentle walking around Sydney and Aquarium

Yay, first to comment!

I'm glad you're enjoying having your Mum visit. My Mum and Dad are coming over for a long weekend on Friday - can't wait!

Had to laugh at you coming in to check on your mum in the ad breaks - LOL.

Sounds like you're having a great week - well done sticking to points and doing so much exercise!

Hope you enjoy the rest of the week just as much!


Is it wrong for me at 25 years of age to have a massive crush on Hugh Laurie, who is old enough to be my father? I completely understand the House obsession - I have turned down social invitations in order to watch this show on Wednesday nights. There is something wrong with me.

Go you with the exercise! Sounds like you're really on a roll. Keep it up. Glad you're enjoying time with your Mum too. Have a wonderful week.

I also have a huge crush on hugh laurie...did you enjoy tonights episode?


LOL at your mum snozzing when you checked on her.

Thanks for posting the Pumpkin and Spinach recipe - will definately give that one a go - it sounds delish!

I love it! I could just picture you checking on your mum! heh!

I'd have to say I would have chosen the same thing. My favorite night is Thursday & Sunday for TV.

Have a great week M!

hehe, my tv night is definitely monday - desperate housewives then greys anatomy!

sounds like u have been busy cooking lovely meals - i think the risotto sounds amazing, might have to try it when we have company as the bf doesnt eat that sort of thing & i'd eat it all myself ;)

u are doing great at sticking to your points during your mums visit!

LOL we like our Wednesday night TV on Channel 10 too :-) YAY for choosing the latter. By the sounds of it, your mum was happy to chill either way. The recipes sound YUMMO!

I am addicted to the TV on Wednesday nights too, but this week I fell asleep and slept through my shows....... Good work with the exercise and eating and thanks for the recipes. Have a great weekend. (oh and have you got that bikini yet?)

I am awful in front of the TV I hardley have it on anymore as I just don't do anything else, its bad for me lol!!! :)

Oh it sounds like my situation. My mum lives with us ever since Dad died. The only things on tv that she wants to watch is murder mysteries... she sometimes snoozes while watching them to he he and we retreat to our room so we can watch other genres. He he he but I do like watching them now and then but not every single show we watch.

Recipes sounds soooo yummy.

tvs not always bad :) i like tuesdays for desperate housewives & greys anatomy, fridays for lost, sundays for 'de grote verbouwing' - grand designs.
Cute that you check in your mum ;) happy day lady!

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About me

  • I'm Margaret
  • From Sydney, Australia
  • Hi. I am Margaret. Or M. I talk a lot, get distracted even more, but am putting things in place to focus on my goals. But those have been put on hold whilst I focus on crochet. Lovely crochet. :) (see - distracted!)
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  • Height: 175cms/5'9"
  • SW: 83.4kgs
  • CW: 80.9kgs
  • GW: 68.0kgs
  • Total Lost: 2.7kgs
  • Started: 9th October 2006

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  • Oct 06: -2.7 kg
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  • Hmmmm what can I use this space for??