Me me me
Last night I got the boys dinner ready, greeted them at the door, strapped appropriate child into seat and said "Right - I'm off to have a bath" Pointing to DH I said "You are in charge". I slunk into a bathroom only lit by the sun and step into a gorgeously hot, full bath that I had filled with some really great rose smelling stuff that I received for Christmas from my friend MF. Historically I take about an hour to soak in the tub. Which is why I probably don't have too many baths LOL. The water tends to cool down to the point where it becomes less pleasant at about the 45 minute mark then I either top it up or start to get out. Well. Last night I was thinking how wonderful it was. I could hear Fireman Sam rescuring Norman Price through the wall and I could hear happy chatter as DS's ate dinner. Slowly drifting off into a snooze. Then. About 30 minutes in I could hear DS2 calling out Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. With no response from DH. Where was he? Mummy. Mummy. Now I was getting annoyed. I bet he went to the study and forgot about the boys. Mummy. Mummy. (getting lounder). I stepped quietly out of the bath, wrapped a towel around me, and stepped into the hallway. DH was not in the study. He was on the lounge, less than 2 metres away from DS2, fast asleep!! DS1 was in the playroom and DS2 was still strapped in his seat with dinner all over his face, his clothes, and the floor. Aaaargh.
I called out (quite loudly I am afraid) to DH who jumped up like he had been prodded with a really sharp hot poker iron - wish I had one on me - then started mumbling about how he must have been really tired to fall asleep like that. Aaaargh.
So there was my nice peaceful me time. DH put himself to bed and I cleaned, dressed, and put the boys to bed. Cleaned the dinner mess. Tidied the kitchen. All the while humming and singing to myself. LOL. It was only a first go. Next week I am sure it will go much better. :D
Kathryn tagged me so here are my answers:
1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
In 1996 I was living in Adelaide, at home with my Mum & Dad, planning a wedding and embarking on WW for the very first time. As you may remember I did OK, never quite got to goal, and started putting on weight on the honeymoon. This year it will be my 10 year anniversary. My goal has always been to maintain my weight loss for that day. I am hoping I will get at least a few months under my belt.
2. What were you doing a year ago?
Still working in the job I have now. 95+kgs. Staying at home. Avoiding social situations. Not looking in mirrors (now I am a certified mirror whore LOL)
3. Five snacks I enjoy:
Pancakes and as I make brilliant ones from scratch it has become a challenge not to make them when all there is in the house is flour, milk, eggs, sugar, salt and vanilla essence.
Pate and crackers. Ooooh have not had this in months.
Fresh strawberries that are so juicy they run down your chin (especially nice wrapped in a pancake)
Macadamia Nuts
Chocolate Mousse (tastes great over pancake covered strawberries)
4. Five songs to which I know all the lyrics:
I have never been that good with songs, or lyrics. I have no real favourites and those that I am more likely to listen to, I never listen to closely enough to work out all the words. That being said I remember quite clearly playing my tape of the "Hits of '81" over and over again until I could sing the words.
Too Many Times - Mental as Anything
pretty much anything and everything by - The Wiggles
The National Anthem
A lot of Hi-5 (which could soon be called Hi-4 as Kathleen De Leon has just announced she is pregnant)
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do - from Sound Of Music (I will not admit to knowing any other song from this movie :D )
5. Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
Buy a house so I never have to pay rent again. (In Sydney I would need several millions)
Put enough money in a trust to ensure the boys education is covered right up to the end of year 12 (the interest should cover university requirements)
Pay off all my debt
Plastic surgery. Get rid of the baby tummy, pick up my knees to my butt, lift up the girls.
Laser Eye Surgery (so when I can wake up I can actually see who I am sleeping next to)
6. Five Bad Habits
Watching too much TV
Blogging at work
Procrastinating about everything (But I am so much better than last year)
Talking too much (I don't think this is a bad habit but others tell me it is)
Not varying what I eat
7. Five Things I Enjoy Doing
Blogging - preferably at work
Playing with my boys
Exercising. As long as it is varied I actually really enjoy this
Eating & drinking in good company
Watching TV
8. 5 Things I Would Never Wear (or buy or get)
A g-string (alternatively called a thong)
Crop tops that show my belly, or god forbid are so short they show the underside of your boobs. Though in my case they are probably the same thing LOL
A size 20 again, or an 18, or even a 16 (whoo hooo)
Hipsters that show your butt crack before you have even had the chance to bend over
Those beanies that look like tea cosies and are supposed to make you look tough. Sorry I just don't get it.
9. Five favourite toys:
- The Foxtel Remote
- My pedometer
- DS's
- DH
- The car :D
I won't tag as I have seen this in a few others and I am sure we will all get covered this way :D
You're a stronger woman than I, there is no way on this green earth that I would have cleaned up and you did it with a SMILE??! Wow.
When you say a few months under your belt, I assume you mean the low fat, low kj, complex carbs only kind?? LOL I am sure you will get there.
Posted by
CaramelKitKat |
January 19, 2006 4:56 pm
Yes, try again next week. They just need to get used to the fact that Wednesday is your day and you don't have to do EVERYTHING! Don't give up!
Posted by
Suzy |
January 19, 2006 6:39 pm
Lol, I had to laugh about your 'me time' - although if it had been me I probably would have cried! Definitely try again next week - I think it's a great idea, and I might have to implement it in this household!
Oooh and thanks for the Hi5 gossip! I just told Joseph - Kathleen is his favourite, lol.
Posted by
Kate |
January 19, 2006 8:05 pm
Oh M! You poor bugger - maybe you should give DH a giant hit of coffee before your next bath!
Posted by
Lucinda |
January 19, 2006 10:28 pm
I know every single word to the Sound of Music - having done 27 performances of it with the local Rep as a teenager. I've never been to one of those singalong nights at the movies though!
At least you got some 'M' time, and it will get better - but maybe not every week.
Posted by
Sue |
January 20, 2006 4:55 am
Oh, M - this must have been awful, but only you would handle something like that with good humour!! At least you got some time to yourself!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend xx
Posted by
philippa_moore |
January 20, 2006 8:56 am
Oh dear ... 'me' time theoretically sounded very good. Better luck next week!
Posted by
Nancy Bou |
January 20, 2006 9:37 am
Men!! I think you controlled yourself very well in that situation. I would have gone banana's!!
I forgot about the Sound of Music when doing my list. I know every song on there also. I should after watching is about a million times!!! XX
Posted by
Anonymous |
January 20, 2006 9:46 am
LOL why doesn't anyone like g-strings!? I love them, a bit of a shame though, my butt is so big nowadays that I always have a wedgie when I wear a skirt, I need to buy some normal pants for a while I think.
I thought one of the other hi-5'ers was pregnant a while ago (Charlie) ???
I know Nathan and Charlie are an item....oh he is such a great dancer...I love Hi-5!
ps: I have the sound of music soundtrack and know and love every song. I wanted to be a singing nun when I grew up but it wasn't to be!
Posted by
Anonymous |
January 20, 2006 11:29 am
Love my g-strings too. I have a whole drawer full of them (bonds hipster ones are the best!).
Hope your bath time next week is more peaceful and relaxing. I've gone off baths now, especially after living in the UK for 10 years and having to use a bath for 6 of those 10 years....YUK!
Oh yeah, I'm coming to Sydney in March for a holiday....maybe we can meet up for a coffe and a chat?
Posted by
Jaykay |
January 20, 2006 1:54 pm
Good on you for trying for me time - next time I am sure it will be better.
The good thing about older children is that they understand "Do not disturb me unless the house is burning down or you don't want to see your next birthday" - that usually works like a charm.
Have a great weekend and take care - speak to you soon.
Posted by
Me |
January 20, 2006 2:05 pm
Poor DH, he must have been tired ... poor baby....
i used to wear gstrings when i was about 75kg so maybe when i get back to that only 10kg to, and i still have all my old gstrings.
Posted by
Baby Bump Wanted |
January 20, 2006 2:56 pm
Poor you, having your bath time disturbed. Better luck next time.
I love pancakes but never make them cos I'd eat too many.
Posted by
Kathryn |
January 20, 2006 3:35 pm
im with you, please hold the ass floss! wedgies are annoying enough why should we sign up for a permanent one? gah
Sorry to hear your relaxing time was disturbed, better luck next time right :)
Posted by
Cat |
January 20, 2006 10:12 pm
Loved reading your list. It never ceases to amaze me what men can sleep through - thank God we can still love them!!!
Have a great get together on Saturday night.
Posted by
Lesley |
January 20, 2006 10:13 pm
Mmmm, just realised your get together is not this Saturday night - bit ahead of myself there. Never mind hope whatever you do this Saturday night is great anyhow!!!
Posted by
Lesley |
January 20, 2006 11:13 pm
Same thing happened to me last night. Michelle and I went out and had a lovely dinner. When we got home DH was just having his dinner (as i'm sure he'd fallen asleep on the lounge) and once he was finished he put his bowl in the sink (should I be thankful for small mercies?) and left everything else, including the huge amount of spag bol I had cooked which was still sitting on the stovew, and went to bed. Men!! Can't live with 'em, can't blow their heads off!!!
Posted by
Briony |
January 21, 2006 7:37 am
oops forgot to answer your question about WWA - yep it was me....whoo hoo number one for a very short time - hopefully I can get back up there again another day
Posted by
Anonymous |
January 21, 2006 7:45 am
Better luck next week with your bath.. sounds like something my hubby would do.
Posted by
Cinders |
January 21, 2006 10:07 am
Ah, husbands... can't live with 'em, don't want to spend the rest of your life in jail for murder, right? Hope it goes better next week!
Sorry I haven't been around. I've missed reading your blog, and hopefully I'll be able to more often from now on.
Sounds like you're motivated again this year. Good job. Can't wait for the day you hit goal... won't be long!
Posted by
Kellee |
January 21, 2006 12:08 pm
Now I can imagine that happening with Dan and me LOL! It can only get more succesful, the more you try and do it...or else :-)
Posted by
Mary |
January 22, 2006 8:17 am
At least you went ahead and had some me time - better to make a start than not have any at all. Although I was lmao at the image of your husband asleep amongst the dinner chaos. It sounds like somethign my Dad would do!
Posted by
C |
January 22, 2006 11:38 am
Oh No Oh No Oh No!!!!
You tell DH that the couch may be where he stays if he does that again next week!
Good Luck with it all hun!
Posted by
Jadey |
January 22, 2006 5:23 pm