So I am standing on the corner of Bathurst and Elizabeth, right across from Hyde Park, ready to walk with the fast ladies. We are chatting and generally waiting for the lights to turn green when this guy steps into the intersection on the Hyde Park side. The lights had turned red for pedestrians so we commented that he had left his run late. As he took a couple of steps in to the first lane, in the middle of the intersection he suddenly decided he needed to pull his socks up. That was when we surmised he was drunk. Bending over he carefully balanced on both legs whilst oh so carefully pulling up one sock - not too hard because he wouldn't want his thongs to slip off, then he fell over. Ooops. Obviously he was comfortable where he landed because he continued sitting in the middle of the road oh so carefully pulling up his sock. Then the traffic lights turn green.
Do the cars stay still.
Do they just drive around him.
What the!!!!
This guy was so drunk that there was no way he would be able to stand up once he perfected the sock pulling up gig and would probably just roll over - right under a car. So what did I do. I run out into the middle of the road with my hands all up, waving them around like a complete dickhead motioning for the cars to stop. Which they did. Thankfully my mates came with me and proceeded to help me lift this guy up off the ground. As we only had one lane to get to Hyde Park and 5 to get to the other side we thought it best to go the Hyde Park way. Unfortunately Mr Drunk did not. He snatched his thongs off me (they had fallen off so I had picked them up) muttering something about me stealing them, and then proceeded to wobble across 5 lanes of moving traffic.
How hilarious.
It did make walking the rest of the way very difficult for me because we couldn't stop talking and laughing about it and usually the only way I can keep up is if I keep my mouth shut. But I pushed myself and kept up and was sweating so hard when I got back to work.
It felt good. I felt good.
And I will leave the story of the other drunk who we met at another set of lights to another day. Except for the fact that as we sprinted away from him when the lights turned green he yelled after us "Well you all look good for your age"
Ahhh I love Sydney LOL
Do the cars stay still.
Do they just drive around him.
What the!!!!
This guy was so drunk that there was no way he would be able to stand up once he perfected the sock pulling up gig and would probably just roll over - right under a car. So what did I do. I run out into the middle of the road with my hands all up, waving them around like a complete dickhead motioning for the cars to stop. Which they did. Thankfully my mates came with me and proceeded to help me lift this guy up off the ground. As we only had one lane to get to Hyde Park and 5 to get to the other side we thought it best to go the Hyde Park way. Unfortunately Mr Drunk did not. He snatched his thongs off me (they had fallen off so I had picked them up) muttering something about me stealing them, and then proceeded to wobble across 5 lanes of moving traffic.
How hilarious.
It did make walking the rest of the way very difficult for me because we couldn't stop talking and laughing about it and usually the only way I can keep up is if I keep my mouth shut. But I pushed myself and kept up and was sweating so hard when I got back to work.
It felt good. I felt good.
And I will leave the story of the other drunk who we met at another set of lights to another day. Except for the fact that as we sprinted away from him when the lights turned green he yelled after us "Well you all look good for your age"
Ahhh I love Sydney LOL
Drunk people falling over in the road...not good...and traffic not even stopping...bad!
I had a small dog follow me for about and hour on my walk today...but I was scared he/she? would get run over by the peak evening traffic so i stopped at the lights and waited for eventually wandered back home.
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 23, 2005 9:53 pm
so a compliment is a complimenet..afterall he wasn't "blind" drunk was he? No wonder you are doing so well in the WWA standings if your walks are this much fun.
Posted by
michelle |
November 23, 2005 10:40 pm
oh the joy of living in a very large city :)
Posted by
Cat |
November 23, 2005 11:59 pm
You are such a good samaritin!!
Posted by
Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator |
November 24, 2005 5:16 am
hehe... got me laughing this morning!
When you said thongs .. well I automatically thought of something else .. and then realised you were talking about jandals! :o)
Posted by
Nancy Bou |
November 24, 2005 5:56 am
Lol funny story! I saw someone in hyde park who I thought was dead, so I went over to check - nope, just drunk or high - too much so to get up. Lol. And my heart was in my mouth, i was trying to remember CPR. Phew!
Posted by
Kate |
November 24, 2005 7:29 am
LOL what a great story! Good on you for trying to help him, M...and pretty funny to think that you were trying to steal his thongs...ROFL
Posted by
Tina |
November 24, 2005 7:40 am
Can just imagine you in the middle of the traffic waving your arms. We do need you to come back from your walks in one piece though, so be careful!
Posted by
Suzy |
November 24, 2005 7:52 am
lol - what a funny story! drunk people are so funny to watch - when your the one thats sober!!!
Posted by
ACTing Like A Mama |
November 24, 2005 8:14 am
Thanks for the great laugh! And the second drunk was right.
Posted by
Sue |
November 24, 2005 8:26 am
Oh the sights you see in Sydney! Just goes to show how kind hearted you are to help him (even though he didn't appreciate it!). People like yourself are too few and far between these days! XX
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 24, 2005 8:48 am
HAHAHA thats so funny, thats sydney for ya. i dont go to sydney much but when i do i always come across something funny
Posted by
Baby Bump Wanted |
November 24, 2005 8:56 am
Ha ha, I can't believe he thought you wanted to steal his thongs.
Posted by
Kathryn |
November 24, 2005 9:41 am
M you are a Hero. All be it a thong stealing one according to Mr Drunk. LOL. You have given me a great laugh this morning.
Keep up the good work.
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 24, 2005 10:14 am
I enjoyed that story - thanks for the laugh:)
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 24, 2005 1:13 pm
What a workout. Bonus abdominal exercise through laughing. Hmmm... anyone need any comic rescuing? You could be on to something here M.
Posted by
Lee-Anne |
November 24, 2005 1:25 pm
OMG!!! I was hoping to have a couple of walks when we are in Sydney this weekend - I'll have to watch out for drunks!! Good on you for helping him, lots wouldn't.
Posted by
Lesley |
November 24, 2005 2:20 pm
You never seem to have a dull day hun he he he.
What a great story! OMG some drivers just don't get it do they. That guy needed to be taken to a police station to sober up he he he he that or a quick kick up the hmmmmm he he he
Love CM
Posted by
Chubbymum |
November 24, 2005 4:00 pm
I Don't believe you!!!! You where stealing an old drunks thongs - No need to lie any further. Thongs that have been pre-worn in!! What a laugh!!
Posted by
Yummy Mummy |
November 24, 2005 4:22 pm
Oh there's never a dull moment when you're around, is there M?!
What a nice person you are - I think a lot of people would have just walked on by.
And the second drunk is quite right!
Posted by
philippa_moore |
November 24, 2005 5:13 pm
Oh dear - Sydney sounds scary! I'm glad you helped him. Goodness knows what would have happened if you hadn't. LOL about the second drunk too.
Posted by
Kellee |
November 25, 2005 10:35 am
o my goodness - you are a wonderful person for wanting to help him out but I'm just cracking up at him thinking you wanted to steal his Jandals! What interesting walks you have!
Posted by
Kt |
November 25, 2005 1:04 pm
Excellent - thanks for sharing the joy. I had a good old laugh while I ate my lunch today.
Posted by
Learning Leaders |
November 25, 2005 1:38 pm
Haha...before I got to the end I was thinking of how much I love living in Sydney :-) There's something strange going on ALL the time LOL!
Posted by
Mary |
November 25, 2005 2:04 pm