Now for something completely different
Thank you to de-gas. You have been my saviour.
Bloody husband hogged the PC for the second night in a row. Bugger bugger. A laptop is on my to-do list for research tomorrow.
Hello to Lesley who has started her blog but because of my DH I am only now able to say hello. Hello.
Got the kindy photos of my boys today. They both look so grown up. Still didn't make me want to have another one.
Got the new slimming mag. Quite a good one. Great photo of the trainers from Biggest Loser.
Bribing DS1 seems to be working well. He has now slept in his own bed, all night, for 2 nights, without getting me up on false pretenses of having a 'problem' in his room. I am paying him tokens (poker chips). I hope I am not scarring him for life ;D
Had pizza tonight. And garlic bread. And mini-magnums. Two of them. I need a kick up the bum. *ouch* Just did it.
I walked over 13,000 steps for the third day in a row. My calves hurt. My calves are large. I have been looking on the internet for liposuction for my calves. It can be done. Now that I know it can be done, I am scared to look further.
A cousin of DH's who is married with two children has just informed the family that they are separating. We are in shock as we like both parties. But it is their life and they will work it through.
I am thinking about getting another mini-magnum. I won't. I won't. I won't.
I am going to bed.
I am going to dream happy, successful thoughts and tomorrow I will have 20pts and I will exercise and everything will be OK in my world.
Tomorrow night I will blog. I know this as DH is planning to go to the pub. God bless pubs ;D
(Please feel free to offer any butt kicking solutions and I promise to act on all of them)
Bloody husband hogged the PC for the second night in a row. Bugger bugger. A laptop is on my to-do list for research tomorrow.
Hello to Lesley who has started her blog but because of my DH I am only now able to say hello. Hello.
Got the kindy photos of my boys today. They both look so grown up. Still didn't make me want to have another one.
Got the new slimming mag. Quite a good one. Great photo of the trainers from Biggest Loser.
Bribing DS1 seems to be working well. He has now slept in his own bed, all night, for 2 nights, without getting me up on false pretenses of having a 'problem' in his room. I am paying him tokens (poker chips). I hope I am not scarring him for life ;D
Had pizza tonight. And garlic bread. And mini-magnums. Two of them. I need a kick up the bum. *ouch* Just did it.
I walked over 13,000 steps for the third day in a row. My calves hurt. My calves are large. I have been looking on the internet for liposuction for my calves. It can be done. Now that I know it can be done, I am scared to look further.
A cousin of DH's who is married with two children has just informed the family that they are separating. We are in shock as we like both parties. But it is their life and they will work it through.
I am thinking about getting another mini-magnum. I won't. I won't. I won't.
I am going to bed.
I am going to dream happy, successful thoughts and tomorrow I will have 20pts and I will exercise and everything will be OK in my world.
Tomorrow night I will blog. I know this as DH is planning to go to the pub. God bless pubs ;D
(Please feel free to offer any butt kicking solutions and I promise to act on all of them)
Well thank God they were mini magnums!!! My favourite, well one of my favourite foods are Magnum Ego's. Do they come in a mini??? That could be very dangerous. We won't go there as to the size of the pizza or the garlic bread - LOL It's all done now and tomorrow is a new day. You know the easiest time to overeat is when we are tired and weary and you sound weary tonight. All those extra steps have worn you out but it feels good to have achieved doesn't it. Sleep well and I hope tomorrow is much better.
Posted by
Lesley |
November 17, 2005 10:56 pm
Put down the mini-magnum and back away from the freezer....
Posted by
Sue |
November 18, 2005 2:38 am
Look at Sue's photo - that should be enough of a kick up the bum, doesn't she look fantastic?!!
I think it's around this time that things start to get hard, and it's harder and harder to keep that excitement and motivation going. Maybe you could spice things up a little... ummm, pay yourself in poker chips perhaps? Lol.
You'll get there M... just make today a new day!
Oh, and the word verification today is so appropriate : tyny :-)
Posted by
Kate |
November 18, 2005 6:09 am
It is hard to keep doing it every day but you won't stay off track for long. *kick* administered and felt I am sure. Also I am sure those magnums are all gone now anywya so they won't tempt you tonight. It is hard when you get tired isn't it? All that stepping will be doing you good though M. I keep checking out your stats on WWa and they are very impressive. Have a good day.
Posted by
michelle |
November 18, 2005 7:10 am
As everyone has said - tomorrow is a new day! Considered yourself kicked!! The amount of steps you are clocking up is so impressive - well done:)
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 18, 2005 7:48 am
Don't stress!! - start again!!
Lol at paying your son poker chips, will he get to redeem them for something when he has a whole lot of them, or is he just happy to have the chips:)
Posted by
Leighanne |
November 18, 2005 8:23 am
Instead of a kick, I hereby sentence you to one lovely weekend, with lots of fun with your boys, some blogging time, a new start, and throw in some happy thoughts and many steps clocked up for good measure.
Posted by
Emily Campbell - Independent Stampin' Up!® Demonstrator |
November 18, 2005 8:39 am
Poker chips??? We are briding my 3 1/2 with a new barbie doll at the moment - a week with no thumb sucking will get her a barbie doll and if she starts up again the doll gets put away... so far so good - I don't think little boys would be impressed with barbie dolls.....
Hoping the ice-cream found it's way to a better home...
Posted by
Yummy Mummy |
November 18, 2005 8:43 am
Doesn't your DH know we need you here?
Mini magnums are great cos they are so small but yeah, stopping at one is the problem. Maybe you should be bribing yourself with poker tokens?
Posted by
Kathryn |
November 18, 2005 9:43 am
Yep, i've seen that deal on the telly with the pizza, the bread and the mini magnums - I was tempted too, but i've been bad enough this week. Consider yourself (and i'll give myself one too) well and truly butt kicked and let's get back on track today.
Posted by
Briony |
November 18, 2005 9:45 am
What are mini-magnums - Champagne? If so I don't blame you for having two. If they are ice-creams - naughty girl. You need to buy some low fat ice creams and have them in the freezer and have one of those when the rest of the family has a magnum.
Seriously though, you are good most of the time and you have been doing lots of steps so things are not that bad.
Have a lovely magnum-free weekend.
Posted by
Suzy |
November 18, 2005 11:09 am
M, I don't want to sound like Dr Phil, but it's ok to not want to do this all the time. You sound a bit tired and fed up at the moment (not suprising considering everything you've had to deal with lately) and our willpower tends to be down when we feel like that.
As the saying goes, don't start again - just keep going. You've come so far, I don't think this will stop you.
The computer is yours tonight!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend xxxxxx
Posted by
philippa_moore |
November 18, 2005 11:20 am
How many points are a mini-magnum??
I love Katie's butt kicking idea!
I also love Sue's comment. If only someone was there saying it at the time the crime was committed!! XX
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 18, 2005 11:39 am
Champagne....did I hear Suzy mention Champagne???
I love Magnums - doesn't matter if it's alcohol or Ice Cream, love 'em both!
I still can't get over that you drink Diet Coke for breakfast. Wonder what other things people eat and drink at weird times of the day!!
Posted by
Jaykay |
November 18, 2005 8:15 pm
sorry no butt kicking solutions for you from this end, kinda hard to offer it up when i need it myself lol but!! 2 mins = 1 full and having 2 of something is always more fun than having 1, i think its the unwrapping that does it :) *hugs* for you
Posted by
Cat |
November 18, 2005 9:22 pm
I think pizza ads should be banned. It is also my downfall and if I haven't done dinner I am begging Hubby for it even though I know it is bad for me.
Even though you are having a hard time at the moment you will get through it. As my leader said she has not none one person to lose weight each week and fly through maitanence and keep the weight off with out going up and down.
I would love to wake up in the morning and have it all gone but the reality is that it isn't going to happen. I would love to be good all the time but the reality is I am not perfect.
You are doing really good and you may have hit a bump in the road but you know you can get over it and keep moving ahead.
Good Luck
Posted by
Kris |
November 19, 2005 5:28 am