P r o c r a s t i n a t e
The day has started off slowly for me as I have tended to procrastinate a bit. And as I was cleaning the bathroom I was trying not to think of pancakes so wondered how many words I could make out of the word procrastinate *sigh*
Normal rules apply. Only words with 4 letters or more, and no plurals by sticking a 's' on the end. Even with my own silly games I have to put silly rules.
I am sure there are more but I am off to pick up the boys then after they are in bed I will work through some more of my list. I am hoping that if I get all the toys and clothes done today then tomorrow will be the general scrub before we go out for a bbq lunch, laundry after lunch and Sunday will be free to shop and indulge a little. Sounds heavenly but I will have to stop thinking about pancakes and procrastination :D
I know I should be working on the other list but this one just seems to be more interesting to me. As I was driving to get the boys all I kept thinking about were words that I missed. I promise myself this is the last time LOL
OK, so when DH stumbles in the door and throws out a word that I know I have missed I revisited quickly and am amazed at the words that I could not see before, but now jump out at me. This will be thought about and posted about tomorrow. But here are more words, which brings me to a total of 200 exactly. I am always one for nice round figures ;P
And am pleased to say that I did some things that didn't quite make it to the list like completely did the kitchen and sorted out all the DVD's, Video's, and CD's. Also made a start on the laundry which seems to have been mistaken for the local tip. So haven't completely wasted the evening. Time for bed now *yawn*. It has been a very productive day in the end :)
Normal rules apply. Only words with 4 letters or more, and no plurals by sticking a 's' on the end. Even with my own silly games I have to put silly rules.
Acne Acre Action Aspire Cape Caper Care Carer Cart Cast Caste Cater Coast Cope Copse Corpse Cost Crane Crap Crate Crater Crest Nice Nicer Noise Nose Note Once Otter Pace Pain Paint Painter Pair Pane Pant Pare Part Pate Patent Patter Pattern Pent Pest Pier Pine Pint Pitter Point Pointer Pore Port Porter Pose Post Poster Potter Praise Prance Print Printer Prose Race Rain Raise Rant Rate React Reaction Reason Rest Ripe Rite Roan Roar Roast Rope Rose Saint Sane Section Site Sitter Snort Snot Soap Space Spate Spent Spice Spire Spit Spore Sport Spot Spotter Sprite Stain Stair Stare State Station Step Stern Stir Stoic Stone Stop Store Taint Tape Taper Tare Tarp Tart Tear Tent Tern Tier Tint Tire Toast Tone Tore Torte Trace Train Trainer Trait Trance Treason Treat Trip Tripe Trite
I am sure there are more but I am off to pick up the boys then after they are in bed I will work through some more of my list. I am hoping that if I get all the toys and clothes done today then tomorrow will be the general scrub before we go out for a bbq lunch, laundry after lunch and Sunday will be free to shop and indulge a little. Sounds heavenly but I will have to stop thinking about pancakes and procrastination :D
I know I should be working on the other list but this one just seems to be more interesting to me. As I was driving to get the boys all I kept thinking about were words that I missed. I promise myself this is the last time LOL
Acorn Case Castrate Coat East Near Neat Nest Open Past Peat Pica Porn Ration Rinse Satiate Scope Scorn Scrap Scrape Since Sire Spar Spare Spartan Spatter Spear Spin Spine Spire Sporran Sprint Star Start Stint Strain Strainer Strip Stripe Taste Test Tit (only 3 letters but suggested by Cat and needs to go in the list LOL) TornThanks for all your suggestions
OK, so when DH stumbles in the door and throws out a word that I know I have missed I revisited quickly and am amazed at the words that I could not see before, but now jump out at me. This will be thought about and posted about tomorrow. But here are more words, which brings me to a total of 200 exactly. I am always one for nice round figures ;P
Artist Coarse Coin Coir Coit Cone Corn Cornea Creatin Crone Nope Parasite Resin Rice Santa Satan Satin Teat Tote Trice Trot
And am pleased to say that I did some things that didn't quite make it to the list like completely did the kitchen and sorted out all the DVD's, Video's, and CD's. Also made a start on the laundry which seems to have been mistaken for the local tip. So haven't completely wasted the evening. Time for bed now *yawn*. It has been a very productive day in the end :)
I've been thinking about Mini dinosaurs all day, and I don't even know what they are?!?!??!
Hope you can get past the pancake thing, good luck and have a great weekend.
Posted by
Briony |
November 04, 2005 4:37 pm
I think you've done quite well there, and in alphabetical order too. Let me know if you need a hand as I am especially good at creating words!
Have a sneaking suspicion that you deserved a day off, hope you did a bit of nothing too.
Re my money-making scheme, you are definately invited on a spree!! And don't stress, you'll have PLENTY of time to put yout pennies away.
Posted by
CaramelKitKat |
November 04, 2005 5:02 pm
Pancakes yummmmmmm drool!!!
I know what you mean about procrastination today. I haven't packed yet for our trip and we leave Sunday he he he
Love CM
Posted by
Chubbymum |
November 04, 2005 6:38 pm
Pancakes are yum. I can't make them though, I dunno why but they always turn out bad for me. My son is the pancake cook in the family. Maybe I'll have to persuade him to invite me around for some!
Posted by
Kathryn |
November 04, 2005 7:04 pm
i love it the word list, how do you come up with everything that you put on the blog. i start out interesting on my blogs and then cant think of anything to write.
yum to the pancakes
Posted by
Baby Bump Wanted |
November 04, 2005 7:14 pm
tit hehe
Posted by
Cat |
November 04, 2005 7:59 pm
Love the word list!!
Hope you get everything done on your other list that you wanted to achieve this weekend.
And I agree with Donna - have the pancakes if you really want them. I have a great recipe that I'll email to you.
Have a wonderful weekend! x x x
Posted by
philippa_moore |
November 04, 2005 10:08 pm
Get on with your work!
Posted by
Suzy |
November 04, 2005 10:21 pm
Young lady (I can say that cos i'm older than you) - YOU HAVE WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON YOUR HANDS!!
Perhaps you could utilise some of your free time to work out that video recorder - huh???
Have a great weekend M - I just love your posts! thanks!
Posted by
Briony |
November 04, 2005 10:28 pm
Oh M you make me laugh..and here I was sooo impressed by your list that I started cleaning out my office. Note the operative word here was "started" oh well tomorrow we will do better...won't we?
Have a great day.
Posted by
michelle |
November 04, 2005 10:58 pm
Pancakes are evil...at the moment I have banned eggs, because when i get the munchies all i seem to want is pancakes!
I liked the movie, had a bit of a laugh - and cleaned up at the same time, there is a bottle of white in my pantry, but i'm alone...and i don't want to nurse a hangover tomorrow :)
Have a great and busy (love the list) weekend
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 04, 2005 11:58 pm
I know it's not a real word, but you have to give a place of honour to - NOICE!
Posted by
Sue |
November 05, 2005 4:56 am
You never cease to make me smile!
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 05, 2005 6:09 am
LOL, when I procrastinate I clean my house, usually to avoid working on an assignment. Mind you, I've never worked on an assignment to avoid cleaning the house, that's what shopping's for ;D
Posted by
Anonymous |
November 05, 2005 9:07 am
yeahhhh i know it didnt comform to your rules but im a rebel. and tit makes me laugh because im really a man trapped in a womans body :)
Posted by
Cat |
November 05, 2005 10:00 pm
Those bloody pancakes hey and I tell you, he's NOT losing weight ;-) You're a freak you know that M and that's why I love you LOL. Those words man, you have WAY too much time on your hands..hehe, even if you are procrastinating. You dag and yeah, we all are anyway and it's certainly better than how I procrastinate!
Posted by
Mary |
November 05, 2005 10:47 pm