Pizza and Puke
Last night my DH decided he wanted pizza for dinner. This is a rarity in our house as he is supposed to be following a gluten, dairy, & processed meat free diet. Mmm all the ingredients of pizza. So he ordered his pizza and I ate my ww Pesto Spagettini (4.5pts - yumm). The pizza took ages to get here and when it did I found out that DH had kindly ordered a garlic bread. For me. Because it is one of my favourite things. So I looked in my spreadsheet to see how many points garlic bread would be. 29gms = 1.5pts. So I took two slices and weighed them. 1 slice = 29gms = 1.5pts. So I put one slice back and only had one. And just sat there letting the delicious smells waft over me as I held onto the couch for dear life. I was afraid that if I let go I would fall on top of the garlic bread and devour the lot. I didn't.
Cut to later that evening tucked up in bed reading a magazine and DH is moaning and groaning, not in a good way, that his stomach hurt, he feels full, he feels sick, until he gets up and has a huge puke in the loo. I didn't feel sorry for him. I felt very good for me that I was not in that same situation. This morning my good behaviour has been further rewarded when I got dressed for work. I decided that today I was going to wear a short skirt *feigns horror*. I tried the skirt on, and it fit. I could do it up all the way and it does not cut into me. In fact I have a problem in that I can twirl the skirt all the way around me whilst it is on, so I have to keep checking that the skirt is on the right way. *straightens skirt and has a little giggle*. So I am going to have a great day. I may look like an airline hostess today so after I check that everyone has their seatbelts on I am going to wander around the office offering them pillows and blankets. LOL. I am such a dag :)
Cut to later that evening tucked up in bed reading a magazine and DH is moaning and groaning, not in a good way, that his stomach hurt, he feels full, he feels sick, until he gets up and has a huge puke in the loo. I didn't feel sorry for him. I felt very good for me that I was not in that same situation. This morning my good behaviour has been further rewarded when I got dressed for work. I decided that today I was going to wear a short skirt *feigns horror*. I tried the skirt on, and it fit. I could do it up all the way and it does not cut into me. In fact I have a problem in that I can twirl the skirt all the way around me whilst it is on, so I have to keep checking that the skirt is on the right way. *straightens skirt and has a little giggle*. So I am going to have a great day. I may look like an airline hostess today so after I check that everyone has their seatbelts on I am going to wander around the office offering them pillows and blankets. LOL. I am such a dag :)
DING! Hostess, can I have another pillow, please?
Bet you feel great in your short skirt. Well done resisting the evil temptations of garlic bread!
Posted by
Sue |
May 26, 2005 9:02 am
Hahaha...I love it, you dag but not the puke part. Now that's just nasty ;-)
Posted by
Mary |
May 26, 2005 9:07 am
Discipline plus with the garlic bread - well done! And your poor man - that will teach him!
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 26, 2005 9:12 am
You're not the only one giggling - I couldn't help but laugh at a mental image of you clutching onto the couch for dear life because it's such a familiar sounding sentiment! Well done though to decide how much you were going to have then stick to that. And isn't that a fantastic feeling when your skirt is getting to be too big!
Posted by
Anonymous |
May 26, 2005 11:15 am
Yummmm pizza!
Good for you being able to say no more after just one piece. Wish I had your restraint. I wouldn't have been able to do it, I know that much.
Hope Hubby is okay now.
Posted by
Jaykay |
May 26, 2005 12:38 pm
Hi Margaret! Amazing willpower with the garlic bread - I'm not sure at all that I would've been able to be that firm...I love knee-length skirts too, I just have truble finding shoes to go with them. Heels work the best but I can't walk on heels the whole day. Hmm. Seems like I have a problem to solve here, because I have closet full of nice skirts! Gotta go shoeshopping that is :D
Posted by
Tracy |
May 26, 2005 7:58 pm
way to retain control around one of your favourite things, whiteknuckling it is never easy. stand up job woman :)
Posted by
Cat |
May 26, 2005 9:15 pm