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A Day at the Races

In November 2003 I went to the races with my friend Mel. It was the Nivea Visage Ladies Day at Rosehill and I was so excited about going out. I hadn't been out in a long time and we had decided we would get glammed up. But that raised an interesting problem for me. What do I wear? I was at probably my heaviest (but had not yet realised it) and literally had nothing except for jeans, trackies and my uniform. None of which would suffice for a day out. So off shopping I went. Full of excitement and hope that I would magically tranform into a chic magical creature. It was not to be. I did find a reasonably attractive outfit made up of a straight, long length chocolate brown skirt and a sheer white shirt. They were both purchased from TS14+ and a size 16 which meant in real terms they were a 20. I was heartbroken and bought a fancy, expensive, brown fascinator (those things you wear on your head at the races that are not hats) with feathers and fluffy bits everywhere so that the attention was not on my body. Suffice to say there are not many photos of that day that I would be happy sharing, even though the day itself was an absolute blast, but here is one of my favourite. (yes the colour pink featured heavily on that day too!)

(Blogger won't let me insert suitably hideous photo)

Fast forward to Saturday 1st July 2006 and Mel and I are back at the races for the "Pink Day". It was hysterical and I had a brilliant time. We sauntered in through the members entrance "???" and wandered around about half an hour before official opening time. During this period we chatted to all the staff we bumped into and snagged ourselves a couple of free hot pink feather boa's. It was a glorious day and our table in the sun was just was I needed to let the cares of the world go by and just enjoy the spectacle that is a day at the races. We bet small, drank big, and laughed and chatted the whole day. The day had a few highlights. One was when Mel went off to the first aid centre to get a bandaid for a fashion injury (a blister LOL) and came back with goodies. A sparkly pink hat with bright pink hair attached, and a huge pink afro for each of us. I tried mine on for good measure (a picture of which is in the previous post) and fell about laughing. It then stayed packed away until I was picked up by Mark where I proceeded to wear it all the way home. :D

A second highlight was meeting David Hyliander from The Biggest Loser. I had seen David earlier in the day but actually met him in the bar when buying our last drinks for the day. We chatted for a while and had our photo's taken and several big hugs were exchanged. I think we were all a little pickled by then LOL. It was great talking to someone who has a high profile and hear about his life and how things are going now that he is not on the show every day. As he is now the official face of BetaLife I am sure we will be seeing more (or less) of him in the near future.

This day was so different in the way that I felt about myself and how I looked. I don’t have a great full length shot but will take one another time but I felt confident, and it showed in the way I interacted with people and how I felt the entire day. Not once did I look at another person, wistfully thinking "I wished I looked like that". Even when the filly in the red and white polka dotted dress took her breasts for a walk past my table and the stallions all ogled her and didn’t even give me the once over, not even then. :D

Sounds like a great day, i'm glad to hear you sounding so positive about being you and not wanting to be someone else.
You are a great person.
Yikes for the 2 year old molars, Lachie's seem to have been coming forever, he's still teething on and off. He also hasn't slept in his own bed for about a month and i'm over it. Any suggestions? No we don't have a trundle, maybe I should look into that! haha

I definately sounds like you had a fantastic day. We will definately have to organise that blogger catch up Race day we spoke about a while ago! But give me a couple of months to lose some weight and become as comfortable and confident as you are. Well done!! It's so inspiring to feel that way and definately motivation to want to keep going. Hey my dad was at the races on Saturday. I'll have to ask him about the lady taking her breasts for a walk in the polka dot dress!! LOL - I'm sure he would have noticed - after all he is male!! XX

sounds like you had a ball - I have never been to the races and I might just have to pick myself up and go to the Melbourne cup and ladies day this year while I am still here. Now to work on an outift (or two)

I love how happy you sound and look in this post (not that you don't always sound happy but you know what I mean !!!) And I loved the look with the pink wig (wherever that photo has now disappeared to).
Have a great weekend and speak to you soon !

Ah, photos at last! I wonder what you'd look like with a pink afro AND feather boa?

Looks like you had a blast.

Congratulations on such a big, wonderful change since your last trip to the races!! A comparison like this is a fantastic reminder of how far you have come and is bound to do wonders for the self-confidence!!

LOVE the pink boa photo (the one without the afro) - you look gorgeous and sooo happy!!!

Sounds like a great day. Don't know who that BL guy is, but I know it would be cool to meet one of the BL that we have here.

Love the pink boa picture! You look happy and like you are having fun! You look lovely!!

you look bloody fantastic in those pics :) sounds like a top day!

WOW sounds like an awesome day babe and thanks for sharing the way you were thinking and felt, comparing it to a time before. I totally get that! I love your photos and you are looking so fab :-)

Just goes to show that if you are prepared to open yourself up to people, good things come back to you - glad you had a great day at the races! Lovely photos - you are just glowing :)

David Hilyander is a great guy, and he has lost so much weight. He is still at www.betalife.com.au and www.betalife.com chatting in the forums. The site has been revamped and is now completely free in case anyone is interested. There are 2000 new people joining BetaLife every week!

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About me

  • I'm Margaret
  • From Sydney, Australia
  • Hi. I am Margaret. Or M. I talk a lot, get distracted even more, but am putting things in place to focus on my goals. But those have been put on hold whilst I focus on crochet. Lovely crochet. :) (see - distracted!)
My profile

Letters of our Lives

    A B C D E F G H K L M N O P R T W


  • Height: 175cms/5'9"
  • SW: 83.4kgs
  • CW: 80.9kgs
  • GW: 68.0kgs
  • Total Lost: 2.7kgs
  • Started: 9th October 2006

Monthly Progress

  • Oct 06: -2.7 kg
  • Nov 06:
  • Dec 06:
  • Jan 07:
  • Feb 07:
  • Mar 07:
  • Apr 07:

Sydney Weather

    The WeatherPixie


  • Hmmmm what can I use this space for??