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2005 Wrap up

As much as I would love to blog every night I have to face up to the fact that leading up to our departure on Saturday I will have to spend my time in the evenings more productively. (or else risk forgetting to pack important stuff - like underwear, Christmas presents or the children) This means wrapping up my year now and preparing for the New Year.

This year has been a huge one for me. In so many ways. There are so many parts of me that have changed and I am literally not the person I was last year.

My Mum & Dad
This last year saw some pretty major things happening to both my Dad & Mum. Dad was diagnosed with cancer, had an op, almost died, but recovered well. He is quite fit at the moment, working back in the business and things are looking good. He still needs to go back in to do some reversal work but he can choose when to do that. There is no rush. It is still something that is very scary but being the pragmatic soul that he is - he takes every day as it comes.

Which is the same with Mum. After the first initial shock diagnosis that suggested she had only weeks to live, she is still topside. Yes she is taking a bit more medication to get a good nights sleep, and yes the pain is a little more noticeable, but she is still here and just so excited about Christmas. When she didn't think she was going to see another one she didn't let herself think about it, but now she can't stop talking about it. It is very good. Mum decided to try the chemotherapy and has had 2 treatments so far. They have gone smoothly with little side effects. Last week however her blood count was too low and they wouldn't allow the treatment. This is worrying for her but as there is nothing she can do to get it up she is getting on with her day and enjoying spending as much time with her new grandson as she can. But this brings up another problem in that, when you have a low blood count you are much more susceptible to picking up infections. The little things that are carried by children and passed on. For this reason the books suggest to stay away from children during this period. Mum is unaware of this at this stage but if the tests come back low again on Tuesday (tomorrow) we will have to let her know and we will have to stay somewhere else when we go to Adelaide. We will work it out.

My Work
After all the turmoil that surrounded the announcements of major job cuts and restructuring I am still fully employed. And likely to be for a while. Our area is definitely one that will be affected but this will only happen as technology changes. As the technology that we support gets turned off, we will have our numbers reduced. This makes sense and now that we are all over the shock of it, it is business as usual. We have been given a likely first cut date of October next year which would suit me fine :D

My Family
My little family is growing up and with that brings on new joys, new firsts, new challenges. Each of these have been met with gusto this year and unlike last year these have not been met with binges, gorges, or bouts of feeling sorry for myself. My beautiful DS1 turns 4 tomorrow. 4!! It seems so long ago yet also like it happened yesterday. He is a lovely boy and even though is prone to little bouts of sulking if he doesn't get his own way, he is also caring and funny and full of spirit. I love him very much.

My Health
I am so much healthier than I have been in a long time. My hair is good, my skin is great, and I bounce back from sleepless nights and rough days with ease. I could be healthier and this is something that I am looking forward to delving in to in the New Year. The trek to healthier eating had started though with the Sydney Bloggers Xmas Dinner. The restaurant chosen very well by Mary is an organic one (The Peasants Feast) and was fantastic. I chose a Mushroom Pie which was delicious and CKK and I split the most devine Apple & Date Crumble. It had fruit in it so I am sure it was good for me. LOL. Perhaps going off for drinks afterwards together with Cath & Sarah was not as healthy but it sure was fun. Which is healthy for my mind :D

My Attitude
This is one area that has had the biggest change. Prior to starting this journey of mine I was very unhappy. Outwardly showing happiness and going about my day but internally being very unhappy. Unhappy with myself. Unhappy with my lack of attractive clothes. Unhappy when I was invited out - because I didn't want to be seen as frumpy. Unhappy when I wasn't invited out - because people obviously thought I wasn't good enough to go out with. But I understand now that changing this was all up to me. No one person could fix me except me. Accepting that responsibility and accepting all the good and not so good days has been a great step for me, because if I can accept responsibility in this area of my life, then I can do it in others. The others hasn't had much of a look in this year but next year there are areas that I will visit that do not centre on my weight, but still impact on my life.

My New Friends
Where do I start. I am not sure I can ever repay the friends I have met on this blog for the support, advice, humour, kicks in the pants, and unswerving loyalty that I have found here. It chokes me up just thinking about it. I do not have a large circle of friends and have never had this many 'girl friends'. It is very new and so rewarding. I hope that in some small way I have been able to give you the support you so willingly give me. And I hope that in the New Year I continue to see the same shrinking faces that I do now, as well as any new people who have decided this year is their year.

The Year Ahead
I am so EXCITED about the year ahead. I enter 2006 with a longing to continue something that I have started. A longing to finish the first part of my journey and to take a step into the second. Reaching goal has always been a first step for me and I want to complete that and then see where I go. As much as I would love to be at goal already the fact is I am not. So next year I will start with whatever my first official weigh in says and go from there. No recriminations, no regrets, no fear. I will reach my goal. I will learn to maintain. I will continue on my more healthful life. I will enjoy each and every day I am lucky enough to be in this world.

So to everyone I wish a Merry Christmas, a happy Holiday Season, a joyful time to be with family and friends, or time to relax by yourself.

If Santa is kind to me I will find a laptop under the tree and if so will pop in from time to time to say hello, but if not I will be back with the first weigh in on Monday 9th January. At approximately 9.00am. LOL - talk about planning. Well I plan to succeed and there is not better time than now. :D

wow you have had a big year with all the goings on. have a great xmas and new year

Hope you have a good one!

Just had to pop in and say farewell again. Don't stress too much about the gain as you had a fantastic weekend and enjoyed yourself thouroughly. Have a fantastic holiday and I'm sure some quality time with family will be beneficial and well spent. I do hope Santa is good to you and that way I'll be able to get my M fix over the break LOL!! Thanks for being great support and a great friend over the past year also!! XX

what a gorgeous entry, you nearly had me in tears.

I am sorry the past year has had some tough times but I am really happy for you about the amazing changes you have encountered in yourself as well.

I am sure 2006 will be a great year for you

Have a lovely xmas

M. Where can I start. You have been a true inspiration to me this year and have really picked me up when I needed it. I hope you have a truly wonderful christmas with your family. Enjoy, Live, Laugh and Love.


Well you did have me in tears :-) Lovely entry, and it's been a joy to share in your journey along the way this year. I'm so proud of everything you have acheived - you are a brilliant woman, and next year is sure to hold many adventures for you. Thanks also for all your support, funny and caring words - it is much appreciated! Have a fantastic christmas with all of your family, and a very very happy new year! Looking forward to catching up with you in 2006. :-)

Sounds like on the whole you have had a wonderful year (I am sorry to hear about your folks). This attitude is something that you will have for a long time and you seem determined to want to make it to the end! Good for you!
Thanks for all your wonderful posts - I look forward to reading more next year.
Merry Christmas vxx

What a beautiful post M, I was nodding along to so many parts of it. I don't think I can begin to tell you what an inspiration you have been to me, right from the beginning. I don't know if I could have come this far if it wasn't for you. You're a truly incredible human being.

I hope you and your family enjoy this special Christmas together, and I look forward to us reaching goal together in 2006!! We can do it!!

All my love and best wishes for everything that lies ahead xxxx

M, I had tears in my eyes reading your post. and I am also with Phil, I too was nodding along to points that you made.

Please drive carefully and arrive in Adelaide safely and I truly hope Santa is kind to you and you get your laptop... but more important - enjoy christmas with your family!!

You will get to goal in 2006 - and I can't wait to see that post blinking in front of me!!

Take care
Kirsty xx

Love a good Chrissy wrap-up! It's something I thought I would do when I have kids and send it to friends I never see. But reading yours, I think I will do one for myself. Don't think I have the balls to post it, in fact I know I don't, but hopefully I can share it in a year's time after all the changes I plan to bring about.

As for my getting lost, that happened over the bridge, on my side of town - how embarrassment! The five-way intersection threw me, but when I got there it made perfect sense. Sarah was an excellent wingman, I think I just didn't listen v well. So thanks, your directions were fine and dropping you home was my pleasure, no worries at all.

If anyone's still reading this looooong comment, M and I SHARED an apple crumble. Fruit and going halvies - how virtuous are we??!

I sincerely hope you have a wonderful Christmas-time with your family. Your parents must have done something right in raising you so I have no idea why the universe is biting them on the arse now. Things are what they are and from all appearances you are doing a marvelous job of making the most of it. In the couple of years that could be known for bad news, you are bucking the trend and making them positive ones for your body, mind and spirit - inspiring beyond belief.

So enjoy Adelaide, be sure to take lots of walks along the beach, keep exercising with your finger in your mouth, and if this period isn't fruity enough for you, I dare you to spice it up by visiting DH's family wearing devil horns! xox

Wow. That's a mammoth post, packed full of detail, drama, and ... life. It's excellent to hear that your parents are doing as well as can be expected, and I wish them both well, even though they don't know who the hell I am.

And I also wish you a Merry Pissmass and Groggy New Year. You've been a great help to me on a personal level in terms of the critiquing. Thank you.

* hops into black sleigh and rides off, skulls hanging from the side hitting each other like bells *

Fantastic Post M! I am glad that you are feeling so good as 2005 ends, you have worked hard to be where you are and you have helped all of us to be where we are too!
So glad that your Mum gets to see another Christmas with you all, i am sure that you will make the most of it.
And finally, have a fantastic christmas and New Year, and I will be back on the 9th of January (Although I will check before that!) to hear all your holiday news!

I loved how you summed up your year, the good and the not so good, the changes in you and what you ahve achieved.
I am another one that has gained a lot of inspiration from your posts and I think that being here for each other has helped so many.

Thanks for the inspiring comments that you ahve left on my site, they really help keep me going.

Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and New Year:)

Have a wonderful time with your family at Christmas and beyond. I can only imagine how some parts of it will be bittersweet, but we are all here for you.

I hope 2006 is filled with more precious memories than we can imagine.

Take Care

Wishing you and your family a wonderful and joyfuol CHristmas M! We've only "known" each other for a short while but I truly value your friendship and inspiration. See you in the New Year!!

What a great year you have had, I enthusiastically applaud you for all of your efforts this year.

Thank you for your lovely comment on my site today, I feel the need to reciprocate in some way! I hope you realise how much everyone here is motivated and inspired by you and this wonderful journal of yours. Well done on a brilliant year, some brilliant changes to your body & spirit, and a brilliant attitude to carry you through to achieving ALL of your goals.

Merry Christmas to you and your wee family, look forward to sharing some more adventures in 2006 :-)

Have an incredible, happy and safe holiday lovely! All the best to you & yours. prettige feestdagen toegewenst xo

Hi Margaret

I wasn't going to read blogs tonight, that was to be tomorrow's pleasure but when I received your lovely Xmas comment I had to rush to your blog and hope you hadn't left already. Thank goodness you haven't and although you won't be posting ( yeah right) I'm sure you'll sneak a read before you go.

I'm with the others and had tears in my eyes reading your wrap up. What a special person you are and you certainly deserve to have a fantastic holiday here in Adelaide with all your family. I hope it all goes well - I know you will make the most of the trip and this special time with your parents and your new nephew.
I don't think you are staying in the Southern area but if you are down this way send me an e-mail and we can catch up.
Good luck with all the last minute preparations and have a wonderful break.Looking forward to continuing our new friendship next year.

dear dear m
what a wonderful person you are. You have turned your life around this year inspite of the serious health problems of your parents. I'm so glad you will have the time to take a well earned rest on your holiday.
Thanks so much for your sweet words left on my blog. You have brightened my day more than you will know.
Have a wonderful and safe trip. I'll be looking forward to your return and you getting to goal in 2006!!!

What a fantastic and wonderful post. You have wonderful heart and insight. Its terribly sad about your parents, but my sister was diagnosed with leukaema 3 years ago and wasn't given long to live. She's doing well, definite ups and downs, but so much stronger now. One should never discount a persons will and strength to survive. It can defie all reasons.

I am so pleased that your whole attitude has done an about face this year. It's our attitude that makes ALL the difference whether it be to our weightloss, family, friends, work etc. We DO have a choice.

I look forward to spending time with my family over christmas as we all do. My love goes to yours from mine and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe New Year.

I look forward to continuing our journey in 2006.

It has been a truly incredible year and you have achieved so much. So grateful to you for letting us all be a part of it! Thanks also for the all comments on my blog!
2006 is going to see all of us at our goals weights!

Be safe and have a great holiday

Love Nancy


Have a most excellant Xmas and a Wonderful Happy New Year my friend. Enjoy the time with your Mum and Dad and I will be thinking of you.

Thank you for your continuous support and friendship on this bloggin journey and I will be missing your updates until you get that much needed laptop he he he.

Keep up the good work over the next couple of weeks and we shall read each other in the new year.

Love CM

Dear M, Thank you for being a great email buddy, you are truly an amazing treasure of a women, have a lovely Christmas with your family, I will be thinking of you, and looking forward to continuing our connection next year.

Best of irish luck to you all


Merry christmas M!!!

What a wonderful post - now this truly shows how far you have come, you are both inspiring and motivating to a lot of us out here - so don't forget that you have also been a wonderful support to so many of us bloggers out there also!!! (so you can add that to your wrap up also)

I hope you have a wonderful christmas with your mum (and dad) and you now that you have fully reclaimed your life your are in the best seat to appriciate it all the more!!!

Goodness, what can I say that hasn't already been said? LOL.
Thank you for inspiring me to keep going with my journey, thank you for making me laugh, cry, and smile with joy. Thank you for your wonderful comments that you give unconditionally and with complete honesty and most of all thank you for being you. So many of us will be continuing our journies together next year and GETTING TO GOAL and i'm very excited about being part of that.
I look forward to your posts next year with much anticipation.
Have a fabulous Christmas and New Year. Enjoy every minute of the time with your family and I will keep an eye on your blog for news of the Christmas lap top!
big hugs and sending you lots of Christmas Cheer (yes the alcoholic kind!! LMAO).

All the best for the next part of your journey, because you deserve it girl! You have had a very full-on year, many ups and downs. I'm hoping that next year will allow you to have a much deserved breather. Merry Christmas, and see you in the new year!

Ypu have had quite a year M, there has been some rough times in your family & I amazed at your strength & how well you have dealt with this. I'm glad to hear that your mum is doing well too.
You have come such a long way tis year, from mumsy to trim & sexy & fit & energetic too!!
Have a fantastic holiday season & i look forward to your return!!

hey thanks for posting...and thanks for taking the time to read and reply..its great...i got the bike...so heres hoping...merry christmas and happy new year

You know, sometimes, I am really left speechless. Clueless about what to say. This happens when feelings are too many to let me do anything but just linger in them, not talk about them, not try to describe them.

This has been the reason I have read this post more than 10 times, and now, it finally settled inside me and let me some space for words to come out.

Surely I cried when I first read it. The second time too. The fifth as well.

Needless to say I cried all of the times I read your last comment on my blog too. A little before re-reading your post again.

I want to thank you for these tears. It is not common to feel such warmth without smell and touch for me you know. But it is so logical. You are no common woman either.

On the contrary, you are an exceptional woman Margaret. Full of pride, yet humble, full of energy, yet calm, full of sparkle, yet illuminative, full of zest for life, yet balanced.

You have achieved no small things mate. Not in the numbers really. But in the big, important things.

For all of these I admire you. For all of these I feel honoured to be your friend. For all of these and so many more, I want to sent you my wishes for a magical Christmas. A fairy tale one. Around a big festive table filled with great food prepared with love and care for those and with those you love and care for. And a very prosperous and healthy new year for you and yours.

Merry Christmas Margaret.

Ditto this, So next year I will start with whatever my first official weigh in says and go from there. No recriminations, no regrets, no fear. I will reach my goal. I will learn to maintain :o)

It's Christmas eve (day), so I hope you are having a lovely time with your hamily!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a fabulous New Year. Hope you all enjoy this very special Christmas together.

Thankyou for your friendship and support this year :o)

Merry Merry Christmas, on this Christmas day in NZ,

Lots of bestest wishes from a very Merry Margarte to a very Lovely Margaret....


Margaret NZ

Happy Christmas M, hope you and your family have a great day!
and I hope you got your laptop from "Santa"!!

Merry Christmas to you and a Happy and Successful New Year!
May you be Fit and Flabulous :p

I am so glad I found such a wonderful woman through blogging - you are an inspiration and a friend.

oh my I lurve the new fancy banner

very nice

hope your having a lovely festive season

Happy New Year M! Thanks for your support this year. I look forward to sharing our journies together next year! Hope everything is going well for you and your family.
All the best for 2006,

HAAAAPPY NEEEW YEAAAR!! en 'n voorspoedige 2006 yeaaahhh xoxoxoox

Happy new year - looking forward to hearing from you and gaining some inspiration (I rejoined WW), hope your having a wonderful time


Happy New Year M! Hope all is going well for you.

Happy New Year M...wishing you and your family all the best for 2006!

Happy New Year M....hope you have been having a wonderful holiday. Looking forward to catching up. Thanks for your support over the last year..it has meant a lot to me.lb

Happy new year M! hope u r having an awesome time!

Hey gorgeous, catch you real soon yeah!? And you changed your blog look, nice!

Hoping you are having an awesome time on holidays and missing you heaps!! Hurry back!! Happy New Year!! XX

We are all misssing you heaps - please hurry back!!!
Hope you had a great christmas and New Year!
( I take it that there was no laptop under the tree??)


Hope you are having a fab holiday! :) A

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About me

  • I'm Margaret
  • From Sydney, Australia
  • Hi. I am Margaret. Or M. I talk a lot, get distracted even more, but am putting things in place to focus on my goals. But those have been put on hold whilst I focus on crochet. Lovely crochet. :) (see - distracted!)
My profile

Letters of our Lives

    A B C D E F G H K L M N O P R T W


  • Height: 175cms/5'9"
  • SW: 83.4kgs
  • CW: 80.9kgs
  • GW: 68.0kgs
  • Total Lost: 2.7kgs
  • Started: 9th October 2006

Monthly Progress

  • Oct 06: -2.7 kg
  • Nov 06:
  • Dec 06:
  • Jan 07:
  • Feb 07:
  • Mar 07:
  • Apr 07:

Sydney Weather

    The WeatherPixie


  • Hmmmm what can I use this space for??